Simulation Description Lint Utility

The lint utility takes a simulation description and D-Bus introspection XML file, just like the simulator does. It checks that they're syntactically valid, type safe and that there are no definitely unreachable simulation states in the finite state machines in the simulation description.

It is intended that the lint utility is used as part of the make check rule in a build system to check that any simulation descriptions in a project's source tree are always valid. The exit status of the lint utility is 0 if the simulation description passed all the tests, and a positive number otherwise. There is no guaranteed mapping between specific exit statuses and error messages outputted by the lint utility.

Command Line Usage

The command line usage of the lint utility is: bendy-bus-lint [simulation code file] [introspection XML file].

The simulation code file and introspection XML file must be files containing a simulation description (Simulation Language) and the corresponding D-Bus introspection XML, respectively.