Firefox — 50 million

Mozilla Firefox, at 16:59 GMT, on the 29th April 2005, has reached 50 million downloads!

It would've reached 50 million a lot sooner, but the downloads just suddenly stopped at 49,999,999; a picture shows the download counter at this stage. It stayed like this for about half an hour, before Asa's frantic pleas managed to finally coax a Mozilla co-worker into re-downloading the browser.

Asa was said to be "heartbroken" as the downloads stopped, but was "overjoyed" when the last download rolled into place.


I've just realised that the Slashdot article I posted about this was actually accepted! :D

2 thoughts on “Firefox — 50 million

  1. sam b

    ive tried everything i can to try and get the uploaded html biocode for the firefox configuration settings. However it just doesn't seem to want to work! I have tried malfunctioning, configurating and even systemating but it just doesn't seem to work!! please help me!

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