Back from the Desktop Summit

The Desktop Summit's over for another year. Berlin was great, the parties were good (thanks to Intel and Collabora!), and it was good to see everyone again — and also meet some new people. My thanks, as always, go to the GNOME Foundation for arranging and sponsoring my accommodation.

Unfortunately, the Summit wasn't all parties and sightseeing. We managed to belatedly push out folks 0.6, with Travis putting in far too much of his holiday time to tar it all up. Raúl somehow got away with sneaking off and doing interesting things with the Sugar people instead.

My libgdata BoF went down well, with a reasonable amount of interest in pushing libgdata's support for Google Documents forward, for use by both GNOME Documents and Zeitgeist. I'll get round to tidying up and pushing forward with the libgdata 0.12 roadmap in the near future.

I'm looking forward to being the lucky recipient of a load of GSoC patches to review for using GXml in libgdata. I love reviewing patches.

A Coruña next year!